Monday, March 31, 2014

I was sitting here then my mom was like get me ice cream. Ok i said. Sop i went u star. where is the ice cream in the frezzer. Ok Thasnks. I pot it on a plat and put some choulate and call it a day
My mom says no put my dad says yes what shud I do. There is no why yo know. I say right to say left where shud was go. No one know. There is a lot of deistun in life to make. When I said no but my mom says yes.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ahw 3-25-13

I came home from school there a only my sister there then I hear some one at the door then my mom walk in . She says I have a supperis for you I say what. Gaterade. Yes . Thank mom. But this is for sports only. Ok.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Ahw 3-24-14

I was listen to music and I herd the selfie song. It was so nice. I was jamming out to it. I was draceing to it. I told my sister and she did not care. It tried to tell my dog buthe was sleeping.