Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ahw 4-5-14 to 4-13-14

Saturday 4-5-14 
I went over my friends house today and play baseckball and soocer. I won in soccer. But he won in baseckball. It was hard to win but I did it. Then we went inside his house and ate pizza.

Sunday 4-6-14 
I went to church today and got hot cholate. Then I went to this thing at my church that is called breack away. But it is only for 6th 7th and 8 th grades. It is so fun because a lot of my friend go there from church. Then we babysat my little cousin.

Monday 4-7-14 
 We still had the baby. She slap over. Then after we derped her off at my ants house. We went over my stap gramas house. We went to get lunch with her. And talk about when are we going to clean out her basement.

Tuesday 4-8-14

My mom had a meeting. So I stad home a went to sleep for a long. Then I had a sleep over with my friend at her house. It was so fun because we stayed up to 5:00 in the morning. 

Wednesday 4-9-14

We went to the nursing home to see my little little ant lerata. She is 90 year old. But it is really my nana ant. We toke her for a walk around her fasilate. The there was a supperis her datgher came to see her. I have not seen her in the longest time. 

Thursday 4-10-14

My nana came over and toke us out to the honey tree. It is a family resterant. That is very good. After that I wachted tv. Then went outside on my long bourd. It was so fun. But I almost fell.

Friday 4-11-14

 Me and my mom had to do a ballon job. It was really fun. But hard. It was not a very big one. But still. It was not a lot of balloon it was a lot of pretty balloons. My mom and I had a lot of fun.

Satday 4-12-14

I did not do a lot today. I just went outside. Trid to tan. Slap a lot. I wachted tv. Played on my iPad. Washed my dog.  And enou my sister to death.

Sunday 4-13-14

Today is the last day of beack. I had a such a good breack hanging out with friends and family. Trying tan. Amost diey. And jumping on my trampoles. One thing. I can frinaly do a back flip in the trampolein. It has been but ever fun thing has to come to a end 

Ahw 4-15-14

We have this leek in our basement. So we have to open up the pipe. But how do we get to it. By a jack hammer. There is a big hole in the pipe. So we have to get a new one. We go in and jack the samanit. Then we get a hole.,we have to make it big anif.so we can repair the pipe

Monday, April 14, 2014

Ahw for 4-14-14

I have to go to track parties in the morning at 6:45. They say it is so posed to be cold in e morning. But I hope it is not. But we will still run outside. Most of my friend are in it. So that makes it more fun.

Spring break

I sleep a lot and had a lot of sleep over breck . I went out side a lot on my longboard ,bike , and ridstik. I played base knoll we my friends and played soccer. One of the very sunny days I went taning on my trapolen. It was so fun being with my family and not wereing about school.