Friday, May 16, 2014

Literary Essay


Have you ever had to feel like you did not know what to do. When the mean carter do Tris Prior does. She has to be test for something called faction. Faction and a thing you go in with other people. That want to be like you. There are 5 faction. But you can only pick one. There is a hole sarmoney for it. So tris do not know want to pick. To eather say with her family or go with some other faction.

Her family want her to say with them. So she can help them. But she does not like the faction. She is in. When she get tested she can not tell any one else because the people how teased her will get killed by the preasadint.

This is one of her biggest desiging of her life because. She has to say with them for the rest of her life so it is big. 

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